Don't Talk To Me About Life...
Come home in darkness to an empty house
Take a moment to feed the cat
Stretch out and wait to change my mood
Wonder what the hell is the point
Come home in darkness to an empty cat
Take a moment to feed the mood
Stretch out and wait to change my point
Think that life can be shit
Come home in darkness to an empty mood
Take a moment to see the point
Stretch out and wait and change my shit
Switch on the TV and sigh
Come home in darkness to an empty point
Take a moment to feed this shit
Stretch out and wait to an elongated sigh
Feel a little better for a while
Quirky, different, I likes it!
I like the changing around of the ideas in each successive verse. I've got a couple of permanently empy cats here - so they they tell me.
You do monotony very well!
I really like it, all of the verses work for me.
...and then do it over and over and over! I like!
I seriously like this lots!... and I know this feeling sooo well.. apart from the feeding cat thing.. i don't have a cat. You write with such an englishness! You're like a strange living incarnation of the british suburbs... hope you don't take that as a terrible thing, it's meant as a compliment :-) There is so much character, good, bad, weird, lost, etc.. just great!
That's great. I may have to steal the idea...a bit like Wendy Cope
I am a poet.
I am very find of bananas
I am bananas
I am very fond of a poet
ohmygosh, this is a very scary poem.
What happened to the cat?!
Please tell me the cat is ok.
You see, it is all too very effective! Excellent work.
Kinda like Ground Hog's Day.
all - thank you for visiting.
The idea just started out as what would happen if the words at the end of the sentence could almost fit anywhere else in the poem and developed along those lines. It ended up a bit grimmer, probably due to all those endless bus journeys, but i went for a hopeful ending
The cat is fine btw and much loved
Interesting idea and it works really well.
God, I'm stalking Peter about at the moment and he is saying everything I want to say.
I really loved this, it's quirky and yet bleak and yet funny and yet tragic and it just really worked for me!
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