Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The Tuesday Quiz Revisited

Some time ago, back in the old days when I worked with Argent we used to have something called the Tuesday Quiz

Every week someone from the pool would set a series of questions and send them out.  The rules for participation were very simple:

1) The questions had to be based on things you already knew
2) No sneakily looking up answers on the internet – you either knew the answers or you didn’t
3) Questions could be on any subject and the decision of the quiz setter was final.
4) That said there was nothing wrong with a) deliberately trying to catch people with your answers and b) arguing like mad over the stated answer
5) No more than 8-10 questions

So today, as a one off, I’m resurrecting the quiz – and an immediate warning here on two parts

a)      some of the answers may not be as straight forward as you think and points may actually be deleted for an incorrect, or far too obvious reply
b)      the answers will be posted on the comments page – so only go to comment once you’ve had a look

So – here are the questions

1)      Back in the old days before interactive screens Teachers in schools used to use what substance to write on blackboards with?
2)      In The Big Bang Theory one character has his nemesis in the shape of a science fiction actor – name the character and name the actor
3)      After whom is America named?
4)      What was the name of Captain Cook’s ship?
5)      Name the first actor to play James Bond
6)      Where were the first modern Olympic games held?
7)      What was the name of the final Beatles album?
8)      On the subject of The Beatles – can you name all the members?

If anyone would like to take up the mantle for a later week let me know, equally let me know how you got on


Don't Feed The Pixies said...


1) Back in the old days before interactive screens Teachers in schools used to use what substance to write on blackboards with?
a. Gypsum. Although the white sticks were commonly referred to as “chalk” they were not actually made of chalk – so if you said chalk deduct one point and read the question more carefully next time!
2) In The Big Bang Theory one character has his nemesis in the shape of a science fiction actor – name the character and name the actor
a. Sheldon Cooper (character), Will Wheaton (actor). Will Wheaton famously played Ensign Wesley Crusher in Star Trek: The Next Generation

3) After whom is America named?
a. So if you said Amerigo Vespuchi I’ll allow you one point, as Vespuchi is the answer you probably learned in school and is pretty much the accepted truth. However, there is a school of argument that names Welshman Richard Ameryk. This is on two grounds – firstly that it is very unusual for a country to be named after a first name instead of a surname and as such America should be Vespuchia if it were named after the explorer. Secondly there are historic documents that show Ameryk was a trader who owned considerable parts of land – and maps showing “Ameryk’s land”

4) What was the name of Captain Cook’s ship?
a. Endeavour

5) Name the first actor to play James Bond
a. Deduct a point if you said Sean Connery or Roger Moore. The first adaptation of Casino Royale was less than 12 months after the book was released and was on American TV where actor Barry Nelson played Jimmy Bond, a CIA agent. The first direct adaptation with the character named as James Bond was a BBC radio play about 6 months later, starring Bob Holness – so either Nelson or Holness gets you two points

6) Where were the first modern Olympic games held?
a. Much Wenlock, UK. The Olympic committee notes make reference to “games” held in Much Wenlock which were organised by the local Parish Priest as being an influence for bringing the games back, and games are still held in the small village

7) What was the name of the final Beatles album?
a. Depends on your point of view and it is something of a contentious issue. Abbey Road was the last album they recorded, but Let It Be was the last album that was released – so either one gets you the point, but allow yourself two points if you knew about the contention

8) On the subject of The Beatles – can you name all the members?
a. If you said Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison – allow yourself a point. If you added to that list Stuart Sutcliffe (original Bass player) and Pete Best (original drummer) allow yourself an additional point

stephen Hayes said...

I got all of them right except the name of Cook's ship. I'll be looking that one up.

Pete Goulding said...

Well, I did pretty chronic I thought sticks of chalk were made out of chalk, I don't understand the Big Bang Theory answer,I said Vespucchi, got Endeavour, 5 and 6 I went for the obvious answers, Let it Be and got all 6 Beatles.
Back to school, I'm afraid

The Bug said...

Eyes closed - I haven't looked - here are my answers (I'm pretty sure they're all wrong - really!):

1. Chalk. But I’m betting it’s not REALLY chalk & I don’t know what it really is.
2. No earthly idea – I know I would love that show, but I’ve never actually watched it.
3. Some Vespucci or somesuch dude. Maybe.
4. Dauntless? No idea.
5. George Lazerus? Hmm… Lazenby? Lazyboy? Close?
6. Athens
7. The Beatles. No idea.
8. George Harrison, Ringo Starr, John Lennon, Paul McCartney & at least one other guy who left the band.

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