Monday, 22 November 2010

Painting In Need Of A Title

This painting was done on Sunday at a 1 day art course. It's an oil painting and the second time I've done the course - the last time was back in April when I was due to do landscapes but got my days wrong.

I did enjoy the day a lot - but although the above painting has turned out really well I don't feel as "good" about it as the painting I did last week from scratch by myself - I guess it's because the mountain painting is based on the Bob Ross method and thousands of students down the years will probably have produced something quite similar. Still - I had a good time and think I learnt a few things

Any suggestions for titles for the mountain painting, serious or otherwise, are much appreciated
PS: Bob Ross had a beard, Van Gough had a beard, Rolf Harris has a beard.  Coincidence?


English Rider said...

"Pristine Snowscape"

Lydia said...

"View from a Window at Winter" (from the series of famous "View from a Window" paintings by renowned artist Hungry Pixie)

I am SO impressed with this painting...and your humility too. :)

Pete Goulding said...

"Portrait of the artist as a young alp"
"Alp! I need somebody"
"The Incredible Melting Mountains of Planet Zog"
Incidentally, my father had a beard and he couldn't paint for toffee.

Don't Feed The Pixies said...

English - nice

Lydia - interesting that you should comment about it being from a series - because my attempts at life drawing so far have been so laughably bad that i've designated them part of a series called "Demented Jelly Baby"

Peter - i can see you are a man after my own thought process. The painting that i did on the last course was of an iris, but i called it "Stag At Bay" because it was supposed to have been a landscape course only i got my days wrong

Batteson.Ind said...

beardy people are cool! not that I'm biased or anything... I love the third phase of this painting, looks like an arctic dune.
as for names... what about calling it Alan.. or George?...
Very nice stuff, well done you!

Don't Feed The Pixies said...

watercats - yes, indeed The Ronald has a beard and is noted for his artistic abilities. The evidence is growing...

michael.offworld said...

"Tie me kangaroo down."